Retro City Rampage WiiWare version timeframe announced
With the reveal by Sony about the PSN version of the game this morning, Brian Provinciano of Vblank Entertainment has released a statement regarding the other versions of the title.
Starting from October 9th versions of the highly anticipated Retro City Rampage will start releasing. Starting with the PS3, PS Vita and PC releases on that date. With the European Sony releases been later this month. With the WiiWare release (which is the only release on a Nintendo platform) been released shortly after the European PSN release.
The game will retail on all platforms at the equivalent of US$14.99.
While not the WiiWare version, the PS Vita version will be playable at GameStop stores across America starting this month. So if you want to try out the game before the WiiWare version is released, check out the PSN version at your local GameStop.
A release trailer will be released by Vblank Entertainment later this week.
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