Tank Beat (Nintendo DS) - Description

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The order has been given, your tank crew is ready, and it's time to go to War! Grab your stylus and get ready to take control of the most powerful war machines on the planet in "Tank Beat" - the first real-time tank shooter for the Nintendo DS!

Tank Beat's play is entirely stylus-based, as you draw tracks on the DS's bottom screen's game map to control your tank which appears on the top screen. Players will engage in a variety of missions and commandeering a full range of deadly tanks - from tiny scrappers, to missile carriers, to giant Panzers. Multiplayer adds even more depth with head to head action or on Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection platform for online play.


  • Screenshot of Tank Beat (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Tank Beat (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Tank Beat (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Tank Beat (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Tank Beat (Nintendo DS)
  • Screenshot of Tank Beat (Nintendo DS)
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Boxart of Tank Beat (Nintendo DS)
Platform: Nintendo DS
Genre: Action
Developer: MileStone
Publisher: O3 Entertainment