Picture Lives! (3DS eShop) - Description

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This downloadable application, available exclusively in the Nintendo eShop, lets players easily create all kinds of creatures and objects, some beautiful, some bizarre. The program brings them to life complete with animations and personalities. The player can then take control of them and explore a whimsical game world, which can also be modified with customized creations.


  • Players start with simple shapes like circles and squares and build their creatures in any way they want. They pick the colors and forms, then add legs, eyes and a mouth. Even people with no artistic skills can put together a fun and interesting character.
  • Once the newly created creature gets a name and a voice, then it's time to play. It comes to life and the player can control it using simple touch-screen controls. It can be made to walk, jump or even fly through a game world that contains all kinds of magical things to discover.
  • As players use their characters to munch on food and investigate their world, they can collect eggs to earn money for additional character-creation tools, or get bonuses that grant them extra power-ups.
  • Players can even unlock the ability to redesign elements in the game world. Don't like puffy, white clouds? Make them purple with pink polka-dots.
  • The more pictures that a player draws, the larger the game world grows and the more areas there are to explore.
  • Players who activate the StreetPass feature can also wirelessly swap characters.


  • Screenshot of Picture Lives! (3DS eShop)
  • Screenshot of Picture Lives! (3DS eShop)
  • Screenshot of Picture Lives! (3DS eShop)
  • Screenshot of Picture Lives! (3DS eShop)
  • Screenshot of Picture Lives! (3DS eShop)
  • Screenshot of Picture Lives! (3DS eShop)
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Boxart of Picture Lives! (3DS eShop)
Platform: 3DS eShop
Genre: Simulation
Developer: Asobism
Publisher: Nintendo