NDS Nancy Drew and the Deadly Secret of Olde World Park

Majesco has announced a new Nancy Drew game, this time on the Nintendo DS. Nancy Drew and the Deadly Secret of Olde World Park is set for a release near the end of 2007.

Olde World, a multi-million dollar vacation spot celebrating the peak of history's greatest civilizations, promises to bring jobs, fun and tourism to the tiny town of River Heights. The brand new park is the brainchild of Thaddeus Belmont, the grandfatherly billionaire industrialist. No one is sure how Thaddeus acquired his fortune but rumors persist that Belmont may be going broke. And now, on the eve of Olde World's opening, the usually boisterous billionaire hasn't been seen or heard from in days...

Become Nancy Drew as she unravels the mystery of the missing billionaire in this engaging action adventure game for the Nintendo DS. Use Nancy's detective skills to solve puzzles and discover clues left by a slew of suspicious characters!


  • Play as Nancy Drew, the world's most recognizable teen sleuth, in this 3rd person action adventure game that marks Nancy's first appearance on the Nintendo DS
  • Unique graphic novel format pays homage to the classic book series that introduced Nancy Drew to the world
  • Use the Touch Screen to play conversation and unlocking mini-games. Nancy also accesses clues, tasks, maps and inventory information with the stylus.
  • Unravel more than 15 intriguing chapters as Nancy completes progressively difficult tasks including: delivery missions, push puzzles, following suspects, sneaking, interrogations, accessing areas, inspecting items and more
  • Solve an array of logic and action puzzles along the way to reveal clues
  • Unique conversation mini-game helps Nancy build a rapport with witnesses and suspects so she can learn critical information for the case. Choose how you want to talk to another character (neutral, light hearted, friendly, interrogatory or accusatory) to determine the tone of the conversation and information revealed. Nancy can even bribe a character if necessary.
  • Use the shadows to sneak past danger areas and avoid detection Use your lock picking skills to sneak into areas to search for clues Use Nancy's Clue Journal to check current objectives and discover new information
Posted on 07-02-2007 by Dennis


  • This chick in my broadcasting class is OBSESSED with Nancy Drew games...it's kinda creepy.

    NPC, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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