You are here: Home News Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - Screenshots
We've waited long for these, but they finally arrived: brand new screenshots of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS.
Red and Blue? Is that some sort of mini-game for Red VS Blue?
The first four screenshots are from the multiplayer-mode of the game, in which one player takes Link who has to grab a bunch of Force gems, while the other player controls a bunch of guards trying to prevent the other from doing so.
yeah, I like that multiplayer idea woot for this game, but I do so hope they get the controls right, or at least leave button controll as an option.
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Red and Blue? Is that some sort of mini-game for Red VS Blue?
The first four screenshots are from the multiplayer-mode of the game, in which one player takes Link who has to grab a bunch of Force gems, while the other player controls a bunch of guards trying to prevent the other from doing so.
yeah, I like that multiplayer idea woot for this game, but I do so hope they get the controls right, or at least leave button controll as an option.
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