You are here: Home News My Sims - Screenshots
After yersterday's screenshots of the Wii version of My Sims, we can bring you the first screenshots of the Nintendo DS version today.
hmm, decent, I guess, but Im not really into the sims anyways
I think this was the right direction they needed to take the series for DS. The other ones were really meh, mySims looks fun and quirky.
not bad, looks decent
Mysims looks like this on every console. I'm not really interested.
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hmm, decent, I guess, but Im not really into the sims anyways
I think this was the right direction they needed to take the series for DS. The other ones were really meh, mySims looks fun and quirky.
not bad, looks decent
Mysims looks like this on every console. I'm not really interested.
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