NDS Best of Test DS - Info & Screens

We've got Brain Training, More Brain Training, Big Brain Academy, Brain Boost and even Mind Quiz. If that's not enough brainfood for you, Best of Test DS brings in yet another IQ test.

Logic, observation, memory, speed of perception and analysis: these are the qualities that define the famous Intelligence Quotient and the ones that Best of Tests DS will enable you to test, according to renown scientific protocols. It will also allow you to improve them!

Through the very many tests and using all the functionalities specific to the Nintendo DS which are found in the three gaming modes (Training '" verbal, numbers and letters, drawings, playing cards, dominos, etc. - Memory and Tests) Best of Tests DS calculates your I.Q. and adapts itself to your level in order to offer you a personalized challenge that is always renewed and updated.

I think... therefore I play!


  • All the classic challenges of I.Q. tests on your Nintendo DS.
  • An excellent way to maintain and improve your intelligence, while you are having fun!
  • Several hundred different questions
  • The best way to prepare for professional I.Q. tests!
  • A continually renewed interest thanks to the varied rules and different ways to answers the questions.
  • An incremental difficulty level with tests that are increasingly more difficult!
  • Serious results, presented in a humorous manner.

Posted on 03-05-2007 by Dennis


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