Castle of Shikigami III - Facts & Screenshots

Aksys Games have announced a new shoot'em up for Wii: Castle of Shikigami III. The first facts and screenshots are available right here at DS-x2.
Aksys Games is set to release Castle of Shikigami III, a vertical scrolling shoot'em-up on the Wii in the spring of 2008.
"Caste of Shikigami is known in Japan for its lively characters and challenging difficulty. There's just something to be said when a game paints the screen with enemy gunfire and rewards you for living life on the edge," said Michael Manzanares, Project Lead at Aksys Games. "I've always been a fan of the Shikigami series, and I'm glad we had the opportunity to bring this latest installment to the States."
- Tension Bonus System!;Your proximity to enemy units and gunfire determines your score and firepower!
- 10 memorable characters!;Each character has their own specialized weapons and powers, anything from chain lightning to psychic blades!
- 55 possible story combinations!;Experience a wide variety of scenarios with fully voiced dialogue!
- 2 Player Co-op Mode!;Dodge a never-ending barrage of bullets alone or with a friend!;
- Exclusive console-only Dramatic Change Mode!;Switch between two characters in the middle of the fight to improve your chances for survival!;
The first screenshots of the game can be found on our gamepage for Castle of Shikigami III.
I hope treasure give us something on WiiWare. Ikaruga is only 17Mb and could easily be done. Online co-op would be nice if they did it seeing as they have incorporated it into the XBLA version.
Ikaruga are more than 700Mb, probbably you are talking about the compacted iso file for DC,that one is 17Mb but if you try to extract it,it will give you more than 700Mb
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