Two New Reviews

Because of the teachers strike, in the UK, I'm sure there's a few of you off school toady so, just to celebrate and impromptu day off, here are some new reviews'¦
Hoshigami Remix or (Hoshigami Remix: Ruining Blue Earth) to give it it's full name, is the latest RPG to be brought to our shores thanks to 505 Games . We got Douglas to don his wizards hat and give it the once over and you can see what he thought now by reading his review of Hoshigami Remix for the NDS.
Next up is yet another title which claims to test your, very human, abilities with the aid of your DS. Ninja Reflex has you working your way through the belts with an all powerful Sensei guiding you all the way. Are you ready for the challenge? Andrew is the man with the answers with his review of Ninja Reflex for the NDS .
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