NDS From The Abyss - Screenshots, Facts & Trailer

Aksys Games has announced the US release of From The Abyss by Sonic Powered.

In From The Abyss, players are able to explore the vast world of Rubenhaut through a unique world creation engine exclusively created for From The Abyss. The game also features an intuitive control scheme, lavish artwork, and an engaging 2 player co-op battle system.


  • Create your own unique Abyss!;Every time you start a brand new journey, the game will randomly generate a custom world that will give you a unique experience every time!
  • Customize your character!;Distribute your skill points that define your character's powers and destiny. Will you go the way of the sword or be a powerful spell caster?
  • Capture your enemy's soul!;Steal the enemy's techniques and use them to turn the tide of the battle!
  • Co-op Mode!;Connect with a friend wirelessly and work together to defeat the Dark Lord of the Abyss!
Posted on 04-05-2008 by Dennis


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