NDS Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles - Screenshots & Trailer

Five screenshots and a trailer of someone reminding us of Phoenix Wright: Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles for Nintendo DS.

Posted on 04-05-2008 by Dennis


  • Why is this game classified as a Gyakuten Saiban series? I have played the Japanese verion of this game, although they are based on similiar design but the platform seem to be different. Gyakuten Saiban is more choice based, what path on the story tree to go through depends on purely on your choice. This game is depending on time and choice. You get a set amount of time to make the right decision.

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Just used the newsicon we also used for the Phoenix Wright / Gyakuten Saiban series. We know it's an entirely different game ;)

    Dennis, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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