NDS Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Whoops, we let one slip. And not a tiny slip either, as Konami announced Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia for the Nintendo DS last Friday.

Konami has announced Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia exclusively for Nintendo DS. Introducing the all-new Glyph attack system, players will be able to use special attack combinations as they attempt to defeat Dracula and his horde. Also introduced to the series are new outdoor locales ranging from forests to the ocean, giving players the chance to explore outside of Dracula's Castle. Developed by legendary Castlevania producer Koji 'Iga' Igarashi, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is poised to set a new standard for side scrolling action on DS.

"We have always felt that the Castlevania franchise has been an excellent fit on Nintendo DS, and based on the popularity of the DS classics, Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin, our fans agree," said Anthony Crouts, Vice President of Marketing for Konami. "We fully expect Order of Ecclesia to ignite the fan base once again as it combines the classic Castlevania gameplay with an all-new combat system and outdoor environments."

In Order of Ecclesia players take the role of a member of the Ecclesia, an organization that has sworn to defeat the evil forces of Dracula. By using the new Glyph attack system, players can unleash more than 100 different combinations to battle Dracula's minions throughout 20 explorable areas.

Utilizing the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, players can choose to compete head-to-head, or trade items and equipment they have found while exploring the environments. Multiple endings that can be unlocked depending on how they player completes the game adds even more replay value to the game with plenty of addictive exploration, combat and items to discover.

Developed by Konami, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is planned for a release on the Nintendo DS during Fall 2008.

Posted on 19-05-2008 by Dennis


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