AWAY Shuffle Dungeon

Majesco has announced the release of AWAY Shuffle Dungeon for the Nintendo DS. Majesco going for RPGs now?
Majesco in partnership with leading developers Mistwalker and AQ Interactive, today announced premier RPG AWAY Shuffle Dungeon for Nintendo DS. Players take control of the young hero "Sword," the sole resident left of the once booming Webb Village, who must rescue as many kidnapped townsfolk as possible from a mysterious unknown that has been slowly "spiriting them away." AWAY Shuffle Dungeon includes creative contributions from renowned industry visionaries: RPG creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, character designer Naoto Oshima and composer Nobuo Uematsu.
"We are very excited to be working with the collective creative talent of Hironobu Sakaguchi, Naoto Oshima and Nobuo Uematsu," said Jesse Sutton, Chief Executive Officer, Majesco. "Their experience creating high quality, best-selling games means that AWAY will be well-positioned for success when it hits retail this fall."
In AWAY Shuffle Dungeon, an unknown force has stripped Webb Village of its residents, and now the sole heroic survivor, Sword, must rescue the stolen villagers from the ominous dungeons as he strives to expose and defeat the mysterious thief. Sword must first collect and use various objects including musical instruments to reveal the secret dungeons where prisoners are being held. But successfully saving them is another challenge altogether given a unique timed "shuffle" mechanic that reconfigures the dungeon prisons and hurts Sword and any survivors still caught within when the time runs out. Saved villagers will lend assistance to Sword's quest, as will the magical 'Fupongs' and dungeon treasure he finds that lets him shop in the village specialty stores for armor, weapons, health, medical aid and more.
AWAY Shuffle Dungeon allows players to navigate in both the 2D Shuffle Dungeons and the 3D Webb Village, and features voice-over cinematics that breathe life into the characters in this extraordinary mystery.
AWAY Shuffle Dungeon for Nintendo DS is expected to release this fall.
More details and the first screenshots of the game can be found on our gamepage for AWAY Shuffle Dungeon.
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