WII Two New Reviews

Now that the storm that was E3 has subsided it's time to get things back to normal, at least until Leipzig later this month, anyway'¦

George of the Jungle has been released on the back of an updated version of the classic comic book series although most gamers will recognize it thanks to the successful Disney movie of the same name. The series itself is doing reasonably well but what's the game like? You can see what Douglas thought of it all now by reading his review of George of the Jungle for the Wii.

The Spiderwick Chronicles is, yet again, based on a series of children's novels which have been given a big screen outing, and then, a tie-in game. The movie itself has just been released on DVD but have you missed a great Wii game? Douglas is, again, the man with the answers with his review of The Spiderwick Chronicles for the Wii .

Posted on 24-07-2008 by Andrew


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