WII Tomb Raider: Underworld Wii Screens

After bringing you the first look at the DS version of the latest installment of the Tom Raider series, we've bee searching around for some Wii screens and today, we've found some

Tomb Raider: Underworld has Lara Croft uncovering proof of the existence of the mythical hammer of the Norse God Thor, a weapon rumored to have the power to smash mountains into valleys and destroy the Gods themselves.

Setting an epic journey around the globe in motion, Lara visits ancient ruins, collecting clues that lead her to a forgotten power that could lay waste to all civilization. Exploiting the power and capabilities of next generation consoles, Lara must hunt for clues across larger than life environments, seen with exquisite, detailed clarity. Solving multifaceted puzzles, facing foes both animal and supernatural, players have the aid of enhanced weapons and abilities, as they explore the secrets of the past.

You can see the latest screens of the game in action now on our Wii gamepage for Tomb Raider: Underworld.

Posted on 18-08-2008 by Andrew


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