ALL Offshore Tycoon - Features and Screenshots

Lexicon Entertainment and CyberPlanet Interactive have today announced that they will be bringing Offshore Tycoon to both the Nintendo Wii and DS.

Offshore Tycoom is a tycoon simulator game which allows the player to take control over harvesting equipment such as fishing trawlers, oil tankers, boats and more. Using your time wisely you must manage everything efficently money and time wise if you want to succeed in the world of Offshore harvesting.


  • Three modes of play, Story Mode, Survival Mode and Gallery Mode
  • 4 addictive mini games
  • Upgradeable port and ships to really engage the player
  • 5 themed areas, each with 10 levels
  • A true pick up and play feel; suitable for anyone

The first screenshots of the Nintendo Wii and DS version of Offshore Tycoon have arrived. Head over to the Nintendo Wii & Nintendo DS gamepages for the full view on this upcoming tycoon simulator.

Posted on 23-09-2008 by jofra01


  • Screenshots of the Nintendo DS version can be found at :-)

    Dennis, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Thanks Dennis forgot to put the DS link in it.

    jofra01, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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