WII Arc Rise Fantasia - Details & Screens

Arc Rise Fantasia is an upcoming Nintendo Wii exclusive title from imageepoch, and is there first non-handheld title, and we here at DS-x2 have new details on this upcoming RPG title.

Details on the upcoming RPG for the Nintendo Wii Arc Rise Fantasia have been revealed and below you can see them. Details: * Habitual Fantasy RPG * 3 character party * Creatures in the game assist you throughout the adventure * Graphics are comparable to those of the Tri-Arc games * Multiple attacks are achievable as are colossal assaults which will deplete much more AP * One communal AP (ala Valkyrie Profile) gauge connecting the team which clears as dealings are executed * Skills are amplified as party members use them more frequently

Screenshots have also been released for this title so head over to the Nintendo Wii gamepage for the full view on this upcoming RPG.

Posted on 28-09-2008 by jofra01


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