NDS Master Of The Monster Lair - New Screens & Details

For those genuinely interested in Master Of The Monster Lair for Nintendo DS, head inside this article for some exquisite details on the game itself. If not, just skip to the bottom for some new screenshots.

Normally a safe and quiet town, South Arc has come under attack by monsters infesting the nearby forest. As the town's most ambitious young orphan, and the only person without a real job, you are charged with the responsibility of ridding South Arc of its monster infestation. You've just made friends with a magic talking shovel that can help you build a dungeon that will lure monsters inside. Once inside, you can use your strength and magic to exterminate the beasts - hopefully finding some rare items on the way out. But wait'¦ how's one young boy supposed to defend the whole town from an army of monsters?

The first step in mastering your skills and protecting South Arc from hordes of monsters is to understand the resources at your disposal. The citizens of South Arc are more than willing to help you with your quest. Most of the villagers own shops and, despite your working to save their lives from monsters, are totally willing to charge you a small fee for their services. These shops, along with some friends and local landmarks, will be the key to your success. Come, learn about the special town of South Arc.

Owen's House At Owen's House, Owen and his friends can rest between trips to the dungeon - fully restoring the party's HP and MP. Resting overnight will also give monsters a chance to enter your dungeon, sometimes leading to new events. Owen and Kate gain stat boosts by eating meals at Owen's House : not by defeating monsters, as I knew you were thinking. The benefits they receive depend on the type of meal they eat, so try to find rare ingredients in your dungeon.

Monster Lair Just east of town is where you'll start building your monster lair. By digging tunnels and placing rooms, you can create the ultimate dungeon, which will attract monsters of all sorts. Then, you can vanquish the beasts and claim their treasure! In the course of your adventure, you will befriend a Mimic Slime, who can copy the attributes of different monsters. It can duplicate different body parts to change its stats and learn magic from enemies as well. Fight lots of different monsters to find the best combination of attributes to mimic!

The Ruins The "Ruins" are located in the northeast corner of town. Go there to connect over DS Wireless Communication and share dungeons with a friend. Each player must load their saved game, enter the Ruins, and select "Exchange Dungeon." When the communication screen is displayed, one player selects "Send a Dungeon," and the other player selects "Receive a Dungeon." Dungeons received from friends will be saves as Ruins.

How to dig At first, the dungeon is just a cave with one open floor space. You must use the magic shovel to dig holes and enlarge the dungeon. Face the area where you would like to dig a hole and press the A button. The magic shovel will dig an open space in the direction you are facing. Every time you dig a hole or place a room, it will reduce the shovel's MP by 1. If the shovel runs out of MP, you cannot dig any more holes or place any more furniture for the rest of the day. If you would like to fill in a hole that you have dug, face the empty hallway and press the A Button. This will also reduce the shovel's MP by 1.

How to use furniture At the Furniture Shop you can buy rooms to place in your dungeon. These rooms will attract monsters, which will enter your dungeon overnight. To place a room in your dungeon, face a spot where you have made a hole and press the B Button. A list of the furniture you currently have will appear. Highlight the room you would like to place using the Control Pad, and press the A Button to set it down. This will reduce the magic shovel's MP by 1. You cannot place any more rooms if the shovel runs out of MP. To remove a room, press the A Button and the room will be returned to your inventory - doing so requires 1 shovel MP.

Equipment Shop At the Equipment Shop, you can buy and sell weapons and armor. The Trader doesn't have much in stock at first, but as you find equipment in your dungeon, you can sell it to her to increase the shop's inventory. Occasionally, she'll ask you to retrieve unusual items from your dungeon for her, and she'll reward you with unique equipment. You can also sell unwanted goods to her to make some cash!

Magic Shop At the Magic Shop, you can buy spells for use in combat and dungeon exploration. Both offensive and healing magic are sold here. In addition, Owen can learn spells used to travel magically through the dungeon. Once you purchase a spell, it can be used by any party member capable of casting it. You can acquire items by buying them in the Magic Shop or finding them in your dungeon. Some items are only used in battle, while others can be used while exploring.

Posted on 01-10-2008 by Dennis


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