No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle Might Use MotionPlus
Suda51 the man behind the upcoming No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle has expressed interest in having MotionPlus used for the title.
Suda51 has recently expressed interest in MotionPlus for the upcoming No More Heroes title, though he isn't exactly sure how it works according to his latest statement. 'œI would like to use Wii MotionPlus for No More Heroes 2 if I could'¦I haven't even touched Wii MotionPlus yet so I am not aware with how it works so that's why I am not sure yet.'?
The title is set for a release in 2010 so it shouldn't be surprising if by then all Wii titles are using it including No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle.
Source: NintendoEverything
'bout time.
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