WII Another Code R - English screenshots

We've added a bunch of English screenshots of the Wii's upcoming Another Code R: A Journey into Lost Memories to our database.

Players of Another Code R: A Journey into Lost Memories must help Ashley solve a series of clues and puzzles, journeying back into her earliest memories to unlock the past.

The story is played as if in the pages of a mystery novel. Ashley must engage with the other characters to follow up the myriad different trails and clues in order to solve the mystery. Journeying through the story's digital pages, she will encounter people who clearly know more than they are letting on about the events leading up to her mother's death, who she will have to interrogate to glean the information she needs.

Players use the Wii Remote to point and click items and characters in the game's stunningly portrayed watercolour backgrounds, interacting with them as she travels. Ashley is guided through the game's world by clicking the arrows that tell players where she is able to go. Ashley is assisted in her puzzle solving by her DAS, a portable device with which she can take pictures during the game.

By exploring every corner of the world created by the game, collecting items from across it and by combining their intuition and skills in deduction, players will feel like they are themselves characters in a mystery novel as they unravel the secrets of Lake Juliet, Ashley's family and ultimately, of Project Another itself ...

Posted on 18-05-2009 by Dennis


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