NDS New I Love Geeks Screens for all Geek Loving Nerds!

Nerd Alert! cdv Software Entertainment USA is making available some new screens from their upcoming brain teaser title for Nintendo DS - 'I Heart Geeks.'

In 'I Heart Geeks,' players will be challenged to solve a variety of fun and dynamic physics puzzles before time runs out, all in the name of keeping the Geeks from being harassed by the Bullies. The new screens feature the game's final art-style, which was produced by Marc Ecko Entertainment.

I Heart Geeks! is the ultimate puzzle experience, challenging players to create sophisticated and humorous contraptions using dozens of objects and the laws of real-world physics to solve over 100 brain teasers.

Produced in collaboration with Marc Ecko Entertainment, the game features a tongue-in-cheek story and hip art style where the brainy Geek overcomes the brawny (and bullying) Jocks, winning the heart of the beautiful Cheerleader.

'Now that all the hard work on 'I Heart Geeks' is done, you can really see all the pieces come together. The game is incredibly addicting and fun for anyone no matter what age. The perfect pick up and play game,' commented Marc Fernandez, Vice President of Marc Ecko Entertainment.

A friendly interface and helpful tutorial make it easy for players to jump right in. Cheerful animated characters introduce new mechanisms and laws of physics in puzzles of increasing complexity, many that can be solved multiple ways. Wireless support allows up to two players to face off against one another in timed puzzle-solving races.

Posted on 01-07-2009 by Andrew


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