WII Two New Reviews

It's the weekend again and now that the majority of news and announcements is being held back until Gamescon, later this month, it seems like a perfect opportunity for Chris to give his thoughts on two new Wii games.

Rygar: The Battle of Argus is a port of a 7 year old Playstation 2 game but can this Rising Star release offer up something new for the average Wii gamer? Chris is the man with all the answers in his review of Rygar: The Battle of Argus for the Wii.

We've already looked at the DS outing so can Overlord Dark Legend be a dungeon keepers dream? Codemasters certainly hope so, with a considerable advertising campaign backing it for the past few months, but what did Chris think? is this the must have Wii game of the summer? You can find out now by checking out his review here.

Posted on 08-08-2009 by Andrew


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