WII Shimano Xtreme Fishing - Spearfishing screens

Fishing with a hook and line too easy for you? Rather grab a spear and hunt down some gators? If so, Shimano Xtreme Fishing might just be your thing. But we'll let you decide for yourself, with these new screenshots from the game.

Mastiff released a boatload of new screen shots today for the upcoming Wii title Shimano Xtreme Fishing. This new batch of assets features SCUBA-based spearfishing, one of the wild variations on fishing featured in Shimano Xtreme Fishing, which also includes bowfishing and traditional rod and reel fishing.

Embracing the wilder side of sport fishing, Shimano Xtreme Fishing is the only videogame to let players take the fight to the fish with bow and speargun in addition to the traditional rod and reel. Featuring cutting-edge fishing gear like Shimano Voltaeus fishing rods, Hoyt bows, AMS Bowfishing reels and accessories, and Muzzy arrow points, players hunt for a legendary catch from the deck of a free-roaming boat or underwater in full SCUBA gear.

Posted on 01-10-2009 by Dennis


  • Finally, an aquarium game that have some gusto.

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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