New Wii Zelda to use MotionPlus
Not a lot is known about Twilight Princess's successor, other than the fact that it will be using MotionPlus. Also, will Zelda: Spirit Tracks be a hardcore title?
Finally, some concrete facts on the illustrious successor to Twilight Princess. Miyamoto has stated: "We're implementing it so that players can feel like they themselves are holding the sword." This would certainly improve gameplay as a lot of us thought that this was one of games weaknesses. He then went on to mention that: "[This time] we'll be using MotionPlus for a variety of more convenient targeting systems that will allow for more pleasent gameplay." This would definitely allow for much more immersive gameplay, just as long as it doesn't turn into a Link's Crossbow Training clone. No word yet on whether the MotionPlus is mandatory.
Miyamoto also mentioned the current Zelda title in development for the DS, Zelda: Spirit Tracks, hinting that this too may be aimed at less conventional or 'casual' gamers; "[Zelda: Spirit Tracks] will be really fun. It's turning out to be rather challenging. Many of our Japanese customers were introduced to the Zelda series with Phantom Hourglass, and ST could prove to be kind of hard for them, but I thought we'd show them what Zelda is really made of this time around."
source: Nintendo Japan
That's basically known by all, we demand more detail from Miyamoto-san like story, characters, and tools.
I hope its a good game, something which I'll enjoy playing. Surprisingly hes comments about ST have made me interested in it.
I'd expect that if they're going to go the route of MotionPlus inclusion then it'd be mandatory across the entire game. But then all the core control methods have been laid down by Twilight Princess so there are options to include should they not want to fully focus on it but I would think it's something Nintendo would really push. It'd certainly up the sense of immersion. You know, Sword Fighting and Archery in Wii Sports Resort were basically testing grounds for Zelda Wii and I think it'd be great if that's the way they went.
Even though the basis for controls have already been laid out, doesn't mean that nintendo will stick to them - besides, the MotionPlus will add to the controls to make them feel more natural and Nintendo will need to enhance the difficulty to compensate this. Without MotionPlus, it would either be too diffcult to control, or the same feel would not be captured. Either way, my guess is that the MotionPlus will be bundled with the game at some point.
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