NDS Catch-up Sunday - Dementium II release date update

Evil has once again reared its ugly head. As a result, Renegade Kid's Dementium II for Nintendo DS has been delayed until mid-April 2010. However, this means the preorder advantage is extended as well...

Evil has once again reared its ugly head. While our heroes at Renegade Kid have fought valiantly they have sadly succumb to the horrors of a manufacturing delay to their universally feared horror sequel, Dementium II.

The delay will only create more suspense for gamers as they'll need to wait until April 20, 2010 in North America and April 9, 2010 in Europe to get their hands out of their mouths and onto the DS game. For those in North America, this extends their preorder opportunity to take advantage of the Renegade Kid signed Dementium II poster. They just need to order it through an authorized retailers and email DementiumII (at) southpeakgames.com.

To make up for the delay, Renegade Kid has released a few newscreenshots of the game as well:

Posted on 31-01-2010 by Dennis


  • Dementium is defently the better game out the studio has produced, and the sequel looks much more polished and interesting.

    Trent, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • The first one was great though.

    Andrew, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Indeed, but the second one looks like a blast.

    Trent, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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