WII Metroid: Other M - Screenshots

It took us a week, but we finally got our own set of new screenshots on Metroid: Other M for Wii.

Last week, during Nintendo's Media Summit, Metroid: Other M was shown to various members of the gaming press worldwide. Today, we can bring you fourteen new screenshots from the game. Enjoy!

Posted on 02-03-2010 by Dennis


  • Disappointed with the lack of a true release date for Europe with this. Q3 is anywhere between July and September but I'm hoping Nintendo confirms rumours of a July release towards the end of March/start of April, seeing as they're only announcing dates for games a quarter in advance. Still, Sin and Punishment: Successor to the Sky and SMG2 easily fill the void before then, in May and June respectively. Still, it's been getting good hands-on previews and I look forward to it. I'm still a little uneasy about it coming after the Prime trilogy which was fantastic but it's pairing up elements of Super Metroid and Prime so it should be great.

    ganepark32, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Happy with my US release date. The capability of switching between first-person and side-scroller just by point to the screen or not is amazing. Using side-scroller for exploration and first-person for boss fight and critical area, looking forward to it.

    LeSomeGuy, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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