Gods vs Humans - Round 1
Round 1 in Gods vs Humans has started, as Zallag and Artefact Studios have released the first batch of screenshots on this upcoming WiiWare title along with some interesting details.
Zallag and Artefact Studios have released the first in-game screenshots of Gods vs Humans. With these screenshots, we'll learn more about the gameplay of this atypical strategy game that will be released for the Wii through the WiiWare.
In the game, you'll embody mighty Gods from 4 different mythologies (Norse, Egyptian, Greek-Roman and Japanese). Your goal is to stop humans from building a huge tower. The want to go up in the sky and take your place! It's up to you to make them come to their senses. You can do so by using your powers and attack the tower and its builders. No less than 16 Gods are playable, among them Hades, R Fujin and even Thor!
These few images can give you a glimpse of the "vertical" gameplay of this title. The realization is entirely in 3D, represented on a 2D plane for a much smoother move between the towers' stories.
Have a quick look at the floors that aren't in a good shape and use your powers to destroy them for good! When a story collapses, impact and velocity are both taken into account so other damaged floors can give in. Think strategically to trigger chain reactions!
Every human (or peon) has his own class. The basic peon is both a Builder (to raise the tower) and a Repairman (in case of damages). The Carriers will bring resources to the Builders and the Supervisors will make sure the job is done correctly. Priests (good and bad) can also influence the pace of the construction.
Each mythology will also have a specific class (Super Carrier, Priest Hunter etc...) that can make the difference. Taking these factors into account (the repartition of the peons throughout the floors and their particular classes) it's up to you to use your powers in the most effective way possible.
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