WII Two New Reviews

You've probably notice that we haven't had any reviews for a few weeks but with the excitement of E3 and the World Cup we haven't had an awful lot of time to play games. Chris found some time to fire up his Wii to bring you these two gems though. Enjoy...

Activision's DJ Hero follows closely in the footsteps of Guitar Hero but this does this really allow you to become a virtual club deck mixer? Chris goes gets spinning in his full review here.

We've already mentioned the World Cup and while there's no DS version, this time around, there is a Wii offering of 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa to give it it's full title. If, like me, you enjoy watching the game more than playing it, then there's probably little here for you but if your team was knocked out during the early stages, this may be your only chance of World Cup glory. Chris puts the game to the test in his full review here.

Posted on 26-06-2010 by Andrew


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