WII Two New Reviews

After last Sundays DS reviews Chris is flexing is entering the download world, this week, with two new WiiWare reviews.

Nintendo have released a handful of 'Art Style' titles but is Art Style: Light Trax worth a download onto your precious system? Chris gets creative in his full review here.

Developers Shin'en have always been renowned for their visuals so it was no surprise when their latest WiiWare title: Jett Rocket turned out to be one of the better-looking games on the system. Looks aren't everything though so we challenged Chris to see if this wasn't just another exercise in eye candy. You can find out what he though in his full review here.

Posted on 11-07-2010 by Andrew


  • I don't do many WiiWare reviews for various reasons, but both of these games were fantastic downloads. Really can't recommend them enough. I will have to see about getting the other of the latest Art Style games, Rotozoa, downloaded as it's supposed to be great as well. But yes, WiiWare doesn't get enough recognition really. Nintendo should push it more often as there are quite a considerable amount of gems available.

    ganepark32, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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