NDS Plants Vs Zombies Heading to DS

Revealed through a tweet by a promotor of the Xbox Live Arcade version, PopCap's hugely successful Plants vs. Zombies is making its way to the DS next year.

While an official press release has yet to be given by PopCap, the reveal comes courtesy of a twitter blast from a PR specialist who worked on promoting the Xbox Live Arcade version of the tower defense title, who says that the title will make its way to the DS in North America in early 2011.

Further information was then revealed later by a retail listing on Gamestop's website, where you can pre-order the game now for a mere $20. The game will supposedly carry all of the standard modes found in the other versions of the game, such as mini-games and Survival mode, as well as some new and exclusive content that you'll only be able to find in the DS version of the game.

The information so far only concerns a release in North America, however an official statement from PopCap is expected in the coming days so that may shed some light on a European release. So stay tuned to DS-x2 for the news when it becomes available.

Source: Destructoid

Posted on 24-08-2010 by Chris


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