WII Fluidity Announced By Nintendo At PAX

The Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) may have come and gone already but it did hold some significance for Wii owners as Nintendo showed off their new WiiWare title, Fluidity.

Fluidity, a new WiiWare venture for Nintendo, combines an amazing physics engine that realistically models flowing water with innovative puzzle game play. Using the three forms of water - liquid, ice and cloud - players will solve challenging puzzles across multiple chapters of an illustrated magical book called Aquaticus. The game offers detailed tutorials that introduce basic game mechanics, but the complexity quickly ramps up as special powers are acquired and enemies are introduced, testing players' reflexes and ingenuity.

Along with a collection of screenshots, Nintendo also released the first trailer for the game, which was playable at the show for those who attended.

No release date was given for the game but with it in a playable state at PAX, reports are suggesting that the game may be out before the end of the year.

Posted on 06-09-2010 by Chris


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