ALL Two New Reviews

We thought we'd try something a little different this week and, not only look at a new release but also one from some 7 years ago. Why? All will be revealed inside

It may have been on the GBA but all the recent talk about EA's classic FPS had us reminiscing about the wonderful Medal of Honor: Infiltrator. I know we were all disappointed (here at DS-x2) when the Wii and DS was overlooked this time around but if you do need a MoH fix then try and bag yourself a copy of this GBA classic. To find out why, just click here.

I've been seeing ad's featuring the Minions from Despicable Me all over the world and, to be fair, I'm hearing positive reviews of the movie from friends. We all know this means nothing when we come to the DS tie-in so is it any good? Andrew gives us his thoughts here.

Posted on 07-11-2010 by Andrew


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