3DS The Sims 3 - New 2D screenshots of 3DS version

We've received a new pack of 2D screenshots from The Sims 3 on Nintendo 3DS. Head inside for the full view.

With the release of the Nintendo 3DS only weeks away, more and more screenshots are starting to roll in. Today, it's time for some domestic problem solving in Electronic Arts' launchtitle The Sims 3 for Nintendo 3DS.

Posted on 09-03-2011 by Dennis


  • Looks great but two gripes 1) from what I've heard the game isn't like URBZ or Bustin Out- which is quite disapointing- heck even the DS one you ran a hotel- that was pretty cool. 2) the interface is so cluttered.

    Trent, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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