NDS Modern Warfare 3 Confirmed For Action On DS

With the Wii version having been confirmed only days previously and no word on what was happening with the handheld versions, developer n-Space have confirmed a DS version of the highly anticipated Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

After an earnings call within Activision revealed that one of the big blockbuster games for this holiday season (if not arguably the biggest), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, would indeed be seeing a release on the Wii on the same day as the other console versions, developer n-Space has laid to rest rumours of what was happening with the handheld versions of the title by confirming that they will be taking up development duties to bring the game to the DS this holiday season.

Having handled all previous entries in the Call of Duty franchise on the handheld, all of which have been of a very high standard, it's safe to say that the DS version is in very safe hands then.

When it came to the subject of whether or not the game would be heading to the 3DS, however, all n-Space had to say on the subject was that whether the game is developed or not isn't their choice, leaving an ambiguous gaping hole with no clear cut answer as to whether a 3DS version is coming although it would appear that, if it is to be released, then n-Space won't be at the helm.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is set for a worldwide release on November 8th.

Posted on 08-08-2011 by Chris


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