Burger Time World Delayed

We featured Monkey Paws Burger Time World some time ago now so we're a little disappointed that the developers have chosen to delay the games release. The reason given was to improve the Online and Multiplayer experience although you can read the full statement inside.
The developers said via Facebook:
We've had a lot of great press and support for our upcoming digital download game, BurgerTime World Tour. Thanks for your interest in our first game in re-defining retro evolution.
But we'd like to apologize for not getting the game out yet. One of our goals was to institute a fresh new multiplayer experience, including competitive online play and leaderboards. However, this has added to our testing time and has pushed the release date back several weeks to ensure network stability.
We promised a summer launch originally but reality dictates a late October/early November date. We are working with the platform holders to secure the timing and will post the actual release shortly.
Thanks again for your immense patience and look forward to an official announcement from us soon. We're just as anxious as you in releasing the highly anticipated return of the tastiest game around!
BurgerTime World is an extension of the original 1982 classic that involves creating gigantic burgers while dodging zany condiments trying to thwart the culinary formations of Chef Peter Pepper. Featuring all-new visuals including a brand-new cylindrical playing field and puzzle- platforming levels, BurgerTime HD combines exotic elements of bosses, powerups and multiplayer (online and split screen) to satisfy gamers' fast food tastebuds.
A unique cylindrical playing field reinvigorates the familiar classic gameplay of creating enormous hamburgers while fending off wieners, condiments and spices. The rich 3D world allows players to see the entire landscape of a level while figuring out the fastest way to the next burger. By strategically mapping the obstacle-littered platforms, numerous paths of burger creation can be explored.
Four-player online, split-screen local multiplayer and other savory ingredients will be showcased for the first time. Starving bosses, pepper shakers and the devilish Mr Egg will be featured in Chef Peter Pepper's recipe for culinary dominance.
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