GBA New Medal of Honor

EA sure knows how to reach an audience. After yesterdays' The Sims: Bustin' Out, they now officially announce a new Medal of Honor game: Medal of Honor Infiltrator.

EA sure knows how to reach an audience. After yesterdays' The Sims: Bustin' Out, they now officially announce a new Medal of Honor game: Medal of Honor Infiltrator.

Players will assume the role of Corporal Jake Murphy, and complete five missions to defeath the Axis during WWII. These missions range from sabotaging enemy resources, to capturing key personnel, to all-out firefights. To do so, you'll be able to travel on foot, in a tank or use disguises (while walking around with the usual machine guns, grenades and bazooka's).

Medal of Honor Infiltrator blends exploration and action gameplay from an overhead view with fixed-position, first-person shooting sections. Players will also have the opportunity to use their Link Cable to play with a friend for two-player combat action. Connecting to Medal of Honor Rising Sun on Nintendo GameCube will provide a real time map on the Game Boy Advance to assist in gameplay.

Medal of Honor Infiltrator is scheduled for Fall 2003.

Posted on 02-07-2003 by Dennis


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