Rhythm Thief to Get a Sequel?
If you have sampled the delights of Rhythm Thief and The Emperor's Treasure you were probably a little disapointed when the game came to an end. It appears that the games producer, Shun Nakamura, feels the same way and in a recent interview he stated that he would not only like to make a Wii U version of the game but also a sequel to the 3DS game.
Nakamura went on to say:
"I would like to try on both consoles. I would especially like to create a virtual play version of the "Looting the Louvre" part because moving the body really fits into rhythm games. I have many things I would like to do for the game system and scenario. I think the sequel will exceed the original if I could realise exactly what I currently have in mind."
I just played the demo and... well, I thought it would be like Gitaroo Man and Elite Beat Agent, it plays more like Rhythm Heaven. Didn't expect that, I thought the gameplay would be more story driven than the demo.
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