Borderlands 2 a Wii U Possibility
Gearbox co-founder and Chief Creative Officer Brian Martel has stated that he 'really likes' the Wii U and would be interested in a version of Borderlands 2 for the new platform. It remains to be seen whether this will actually happen but at least his comments are very encouraging.
He went on to say:
"We really like the Wii U. I think it's a really cool platform. I like what they're doing - obviously with the touchscreen - and it will be interesting to see what Microsoft do with their approach to that idea. It's one of those problems of the Wii: the only people who have ever made a lot of money on the Wii is Nintendo. So we're really excited to bring Aliens: Colonial Marines to it. And we're going to do a wait and see approach, our publisher 2K is going to see whether they're going to go with that.
If Borderlands 2 was on the Wii U, the thing I would be most excited about is inventory management: it would be amazing on that, it would just be fantastic. And I think the artwork would look really good, with the way they can deal with the resolutions and textures, I think it's a really good console."
And I really liked Borderlands, so win-win for everyone.
Yeah, me too.
Ever since Ocarina of Time 3D and Skyward Sword, pausing then switch menu seem very old fashion. Pausing and going into the menu seem so slow and unnecessary, I loved second screen option.
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