WIIU Borderlands 2 a Wii U Possibility

Gearbox co-founder and Chief Creative Officer Brian Martel has stated that he 'really likes' the Wii U and would be interested in a version of Borderlands 2 for the new platform. It remains to be seen whether this will actually happen but at least his comments are very encouraging.

He went on to say:

"We really like the Wii U. I think it's a really cool platform. I like what they're doing - obviously with the touchscreen - and it will be interesting to see what Microsoft do with their approach to that idea. It's one of those problems of the Wii: the only people who have ever made a lot of money on the Wii is Nintendo. So we're really excited to bring Aliens: Colonial Marines to it. And we're going to do a wait and see approach, our publisher 2K is going to see whether they're going to go with that.

If Borderlands 2 was on the Wii U, the thing I would be most excited about is inventory management: it would be amazing on that, it would just be fantastic. And I think the artwork would look really good, with the way they can deal with the resolutions and textures, I think it's a really good console."

Posted on 17-07-2012 by Andrew


  • And I really liked Borderlands, so win-win for everyone.

    LeSomeGuy, 17-07-2012 at 22:26
  • Yeah, me too.

    Andrew, 18-07-2012 at 07:36
  • Ever since Ocarina of Time 3D and Skyward Sword, pausing then switch menu seem very old fashion. Pausing and going into the menu seem so slow and unnecessary, I loved second screen option.

    LeSomeGuy, 18-07-2012 at 14:29

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