ETC Beta testers wanted - Android App

Apps are fun. Apps are hip. Apps are the future. At least that's what we hear, and so we're looking for possible beta-testers of the Android App.

Have you got an Android phone? Do you like to visit us a few times a day to check whether there is any new Nintendo-related news? If your answers are "yes" and "yes", then we just might need your input.

Over the past few weeks, we've been working on an Android app to serve you a mobile version of our news (for now). In the future, we may expand that with easy access to our games-information and reviews (which comes in handy when you visit the nearest gamestore) and other handy features. For now however, we're looking for feedback on a few things:

  • Does the App work for our audience?
  • Did we think the App through correctly? Have we got any unforeseen usability-issues?
  • What else do we need for this App to be your number one App EVER?

If you've got an Android phone (version 2.2 or higher) and would like to give the App a spin and let us know what you think of it even before we submit it to the Google Play Market, please drop us a line through our contact forms. We can't promise to accept everyone, but we will try...

Posted on 26-08-2012 by Dennis


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