ESHOP Renegade Kid focused on the eShop

It appears than even though Renegade Kid have recently tired it's hand at a PC conversion, there main focus is the 3DS, Wii U and eShop titles. 

The developers co-founder, Jools Watsham, wrote on his blog that they "would like to put the majority of our future development efforts into the 3DS eShop and Wii U eShop titles".

"Porting Mutant Mudds to the PC, and selling it on Steam, has the potential of bringing some much needed funds into Renegade Kid, which will go straight into the development of new games. As we're being perfectly - and frankly - honest here; I would like to put the majority of our future development efforts into the 3DS eShop and Wii U eShop titles (we're authorized Wii U developers now btw - excite!)."

Posted on 10-09-2012 by Andrew


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