Two More Titles Miss Out on Wii U Release
It doesn't seem to be getting much better for the Wii U and this weeks sees yet another two titles missing out on a Wii U release. What are they? Head inside for more details.
First up is an episodic 3D adventure game developed by Red Thread Games. Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey was originally a crowdfunding effort but during the Kickstarter campaign, the developers did hint at the possability of a Wii u version. Now it seems that SONY have swooped in to make this a PS4 exclusive.
Next up is The Crew from Ubi Soft whic was anothere title expected to gat a Wii U release but will now seeminly get everything but. A Ubisoft representative explained the logic behind the decision:
"The Crew is originally built for the new generation of consoles so when we made the decision to port it to the previous generation of consoles, we decided to focus solely on the platform closest to the new-gen's technical infrastructure, which is the Xbox 360″
"We are not currently working on a PS3 or Wii U version, we are rather focused on delivering The Crew for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Xbox360 simultaneously on November 11th."
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