GBA Pokémon Emerald - scans

Nintendo has confirmed the development of Pokon Emerald and we've got the first batch of scans for your viewing pleasure.

Nintendo has confirmed the development of Pokon Emerald and we've got the first batch of scans for your viewing pleasure.

Pokon Emerald will indeed be what we all expected: a remake of Pokon Ruby and Sapphire, just like Yellow was for Red and Blue. Set for a Japanese release on September 16th, the game will ship packed with a wireless adapter. That's right, Pokon Emerald will be compatible with Nintendo's wireless adapter.

So what else is new? Well, our heroes faced a make-over and we've got two new game-modes. In 'Battle Dome', the players will have to fight by using teams of 3 Pokon. The other mode, 'Battle Tube', asks the player to reach the exit of a labyrinth by choosing the 'correct' exit in each room (3 different doors lead to different battles).

But you're probably more interested in seeing the game for yourself, so here are the scans (click for larger version):

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg


src: GameKult, Gamefront

Posted on 12-07-2004 by Dennis


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