GBA LOTR: 3rd Age - movie

EA has released a movie showing you their upcoming strategy game for the Game Boy Advance: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. Rightclick and 'save target as' for the following link (15.5 MB and only 8 seconds). *Update* We've managed to compress the movie described above and added a few extra movies...

EA has released a movie showing you their upcoming strategy game for the Game Boy Advance: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. Rightclick and 'save target as' for the following link (15.5 MB and only 8 seconds).

*Update* We've managed to compress the movie described above and added a few extra movies...

Our movie is a combination of four different LOTR: 3rd Age movies and is only 4.5 MB big, while it shows you over a minute of gameplay footage. Enjoy watching the movie.

webmasters: please link to this page instead of directly to the movie

Posted on 29-07-2004 by Dennis


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