NDS Moonlight Fables - New NDS game

Majesco, known for their GBA Video's, has announced a new Nintendo DS game: Moonlight Fables. Head inside for the first details...

Majesco, known for their GBA Video's, has announced a new Nintendo DS game: Moonlight Fables. Head inside for the first details...

Under a full moon in the year 2106, at a hover-theater showing of "Night of the Werewolf", 19 year old Trista Silver, recent graduate of the Officer School for International Strike Force, feels a strange sensation flowing through her?her senses are alive and she feels a powerful surge of energy. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose as strange werebeasts overrun the theater, killing at will, Trista springs into action.


  • Master multiple weapons such as the mystical Moon Sword, an array of blasters and your own werewolf claws and teeth
  • Nintendo DS-specific features that include touch screen input, planned wireless network play, and dual screen game support.
  • Enjoy a spectacular landscape, built in a combination of two and three dimensional art styles, with a dynamic camera that zooms in and out to highlight the action and imagery.
  • Explore and fight your way through a giant, contiguous world filled with horror, mystery, puzzles, and epic challenges.

    Majesco also released the first character art (below)

Posted on 09-09-2004 by Dennis


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