NDS PingPals - Info & Screens

THQ's answer to Nintendo's PictoChat... Yes, another chat application for the Nintendo DS.

THQ's answer to Nintendo's PictoChat... Yes, another chat application for the Nintendo DS.

PingPals is an instant message program that only requires one copy of the title for up to 16 systems in the network: using text and graphics, 'players' can send their messages to friends.

All of the 16 players will have their own 'persona', a graphical representation of a character. During the chatting, you can earn and collect thousands of accessories to customize your persona. Some of these items will be available only at certain days, so trading items will be another option if you want the full package. To unlock the items, you'll have to play minigames to earn 'ping points' or passwords.

Posted on 07-10-2004 by Dennis


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