NDS Ping Pals - Facts

The fun just won't stop, so THQ throws in some facts about their PictoChat competitor PingPals.

The fun just won't stop, so THQ throws in some facts about their PictoChat competitor PingPals.

Wireless messaging and wireless game sharing, THQ's solution for this is called Ping Pals and, according to them, it will set a benchmark for forthcoming communication titles for Nintendo DS.

Start your Ping Pals experience by creating a customized avatar. Choose from hundreds of head, body, hair, and eye combinations (male and female) to make your avatar as unique as possible. You'll also have access to thousand of accessories for your avatar, includinghats, sunglasses and shirts. As you play around with Ping Pals, you can unlock additional items by performing various tasks like sending out 100 text messages or logging on at 4 a.m. on a Tuesday.

Once you're set up, use the keyboard or stylus to send messages back and forth and play games. You can chat and play with as many as 16 friends at once!

Win Ping Points by playing single player or multi-player games, then use the points to buy items. You can trade or sell items.

Posted on 22-10-2004 by Dennis


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