NDS Harvest Moon DS - GBA Connectivity?

It appears that the Nintendo DS version of Harvest Moon will show some connectivity.

According to the Japanese Nintendo-news site Nintendo-Inside, the Nintendo DS version of Harvest Moon will feature connectivity when the GBA game Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is put in the Nintendo DS while playing. According to their source, various items and events can be unlocked in the DS version.

Nintendo DS games recognizing GBA games and showing interactivity because of that isn't exactly new. Sega's Feel the Magic: XY/XX (or: Project Rub) recognized Sega games such as Sonic Advance, unlocking various costumes in the game. The Japanese version of Pokon Dash is also capable of using Pokon from the GBA games to form tracks.

Nintendo-Inside also mentioned the full title of the Harvest Moon-game: 'Harvest Moon: Korobokkuru Suteshon' which translates into 'Harvest Moon: Harvest Sprites Station, aimed at the new in-game television station run by the harvest sprites.

src: Nintendo-Inside

Posted on 28-12-2004 by Dennis


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