NDS Devilish DS

According to the lastest edition of Famitsu Magazine, a classic GameGear game is revived for the Nintendo DS.

Devilish, a game by Genki originating on Sega's own handheld the GameGear, is heading for the Nintendo DS. Famitsu magazine showed the first two images of the game, together with a small article on the original version.

The original Devilish was a 2D brick-and-paddle game like Arkanoid with a few twists. Instead of just one paddle, you got two paddles to control simultaneously. Moving the paddles left or right, altering the distance between the two pads, all done using the standard controls.

orig1.gif      orig2.gif

Using these controls, you'll had to guide a ball through a series of levels filled with blocks (which you could break through) and enemies (which you could destroy while you were at it as well). Of course, after a level of beating up bad guys, there would be a boss to finish of as well.

Now the very same game is heading for the Nintendo DS. While we don't have any information on the DS version, the Famitsu article is hinting at a close connection between the original GameGear and the new DS version. We'll wait, as always. But this time we'll wait with some screenshots at our hand.


src: Famitsu

Posted on 03-02-2005 by Dennis


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