You are here: Home News Madagascar - Screens
The first five Nintendo DS screenshots of Madagascar have arrived.
OMG, FFS why do we get this crap?
We might not like it, but little kids and their parents do, which is what we want, more sales. Just like the the GBA
my guess is that the GBA version is the top-screen of the DS version ;)
Yep, just like Robots. Let's hope this isn't the norm in future.
^^^what are you guys bragging about? this game is the roxxors!!1!1! j/k
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OMG, FFS why do we get this crap?
We might not like it, but little kids and their parents do, which is what we want, more sales. Just like the the GBA
my guess is that the GBA version is the top-screen of the DS version ;)
Yep, just like Robots. Let's hope this isn't the norm in future.
^^^what are you guys bragging about? this game is the roxxors!!1!1! j/k
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