NDS E3: Trace Memory - Facts & Screens

Brand new screenshots and some new information on Trace Memory, the US title for Another Code: Two Memories, right here... Well, inside this newsitem.

Trace Memory utilises the unique Nintendo DS features, such as the touch-screen and microphone, to put players in the middle of one of the most gripping adventures they will ever experience! In Trace Memory players take control of Ashley, a young girl who gets a message to meet her long-lost father on a mysterious island. When she arrives her father is nowhere to be seen and Ashley begins to suspect something is wrong. As players explore the island in search of Ashley?s father, strange things start to happen and they are thrust into the middle of a sinister plot.

Featuring a riveting plot and unique puzzles that must be solved using the touch screen and microphone, Another Code breaks new ground in adventure gaming. Players can expect to encounter detailed environments populated with gritty characters.

Trace Memory takes full advantage of the DS's dual screens to guide players through Blood Edward Island. The game play takes place on the touch screen, where players get an aerial view of the game world. Meanwhile, the top screen shows a first-person view of scenes and conversations. Players can tap on any area on the touch screen to get a closer look.


  • Twists and turns await around every corner. It's up to players to figure out the truth from the clues on the island. Trace Memory's rich story will appeal to young and older audiences alike.
  • As players move around the 3-D map, the touch screen displays a breathtaking birds-eye view of the action, while the top screen shows a first-person view of scenes and conversations.
  • To advance in the game, players must to solve innovative puzzles that take advantage of the DS's unique features: touch screen, dual screens, mic and stereo sound.

Posted on 18-05-2005 by Dennis


  • I liked Another Code: Two Memories but Trace Memory is ok. Does that mean we will be getting a different case as well!

    tiamat1990, 30-11--0001 at 00:00
  • Actually, as far as I understand, only the US title has been changed.

    Dennis, 30-11--0001 at 00:00

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